
Main methods to select entities based off position Selecting players in a sphere JE,BE x, y and z alone in a selector don't filter anything; they specify the origin of the area you are looking in. With distance, you can look for entities within a certain radius of this origin.

JE @a[x=37, y=74, z=212, distance=..6] looks for players within 6 blocks of [37, 74, 212]. ..x means "x blocks away or less", x.. means "x blocks away or further", and a..b means "between a and b blocks away" BE Use r instead: @a[x=37,y=74,z=212,r=6]

Selecting players in a cuboid with dx, dy, dz JE,BE Another method is to look for entities not in a sphere but in a cuboid. Again, x, y and z specify the origin. dx, dy and dz define the size of the cuboid. Note that dx, dy and dz add 1 along every axis, so x=37, dx=10 looks for entities between x=37 and x=37+10+1=48. Also note that while distance looks for the entity's position (i.e. where the middle of its feet is), dx dy dz looks for any part of an entity's hitbox. Therefore, y=50, dy=3 also selects players at y=49, because their head is within the specified range.

Selecting players in a cuboid with predicates JE Finally, you can select entities using a location_check predicate, by specifying the exact range in location_check predicate position. You can then test for it using predicate=... in an entity selector, or execute if predicate. json { "condition": "minecraft:location_check", "predicate": { "position": { "x": { "min": 38.2, "max": 41.7 } } } } Unlike the dx dy dz args, this does not check for an entity's hitbox but for its position. With if predicate, you can also test if the command is executed within the specified range even if there is no entity there.

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