
--= Common Mistakes =-- • Forgetting to save the files or say /reload after editting your DP/RP - Make sure all files are saved, say /reload in chat

Using certain commands without the proper preperations - Example: using @s without execute as selector first, or using relative coords without using at <selector> first

Invalid File names - Only these Characters Accepted by MC: a to z, 0 to 9, _, - and .. Also no capitals or spaces ().

Sometimes you have a certain gamerule turned on, or turned off, and that effects what you're trying to do. - gamerule doFireDamage false while trying to do Fire Damage to a player will be problematic. A more likely example is gamerule doLimitedCrafting true when you're trying to use the Knowledge Book method of Custom Crafting will cause problems.

Putting a / in front of a command in a datapack - Remove the /

...distance=1] - The distance selector is exact. If you want it to be WITHIN or OUT OF a certain distance, use ..: 1 = exactly 1, 1.. = 1 or more, ..1 = 1 or less, 1..10 = 1 to 10.

{tag} - NBT tags work differrently than entity tags (/tag tags) and require a value. Use {tag:1b}

<command part> <comand part> - It might be hard to catch, but you have a double space there ( instead of ). Quite simply remove one of the spaces.

Instead of detecting for the entire god dang NBT of an item/entity, use custom tags - For an item you'd detect for nbt={Custom:1b} and in the give command /give @s item{Custom:1b} - For an entity you'd use a custom tag (the /tag ones). Detect for tag=Custom and for summoning the entity do summon <entity> X Y Z {Tags:["Custom1","Custom2"]}

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