
Relative Coords Explanation First of all you need to know how actual coords work. X Y Z is 3 numbers that determine where you are in the world.

~ ~ ~ are 3 numbers that are based relative to you, relative X, relative Y, relative Z. If you add 1 the first ~ (~1) then that means 1 block forward in the X direction. Same for the other 2.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~, (Focusing on the last 2 ~s) they control Pitch and Yaw, in other words where your body is rotated/facing towards. Using these two coords you could tp the player to face somewhere else.

^ ^ ^ are relative to where you're looking, a.k.a. your cursor/center of the screen. The first ^ is right and left The second ^ is up and down The third ^ is forward and backward (Relative to where you're looking)

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